Friday, December 20, 2013

The Family Business

So, with a snow covered sky, and through could winter night, only Emily was stirring.  She was stalking blogs.  Not in a (too) creepy way, but in a light hearted humoorrous way.  Anyway, I was on Audrey's blog, and she was posting all these memes for her "nerdy" friends.  Well, she forgot to mention Supernatural, and that is not acceptable. So here they are, posted by the wonderful, glorious, a little vain me! Here are the top 21 gifs of Supernatural that I could find!  Some of them are things that I love about Supernatural! Oh, and with the Supernatural hiatus (prepare to re-watch all the episodes as you frantically wait for S09 E10 to come out...especially after 9/9), I figured a little dose of Supernatural wouldn't kill anyone.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Life as I Know It!

Does anyone want to live the life of Emily Pearson for a week? Well, if you don't, then suck it up and read this blog post!  Over the series of uno week, I will take a picture each and every day.  It'll be super exciting and I hope you enjoy it :)