Does anyone want to live the life of Emily Pearson for a week? Well, if you don't, then suck it up and read this blog post! Over the series of uno week, I will take a picture each and every day. It'll be super exciting and I hope you enjoy it :)
Monday: After school, my friend drove to the store and we shopped. I commandeered one of those moving shopping carts and I hopped in the basket while one of my friends drove it. We then switched. While I was driving, the store manager came and yelled at us. Let me imitate him. "This shopping carts are for our cripple GUESTS and you are not a cripple!" Guests? Last time I checked, if you go into a store and shop, you are called a shopper. Get over yourself store manager! I offered to drive it back to the entrance, but he flipped out and said that he would get someone. Oh and I looked at Redbox movies! Then I went home, and enjoyed the stressed environment of my parents packing to go to Italy. Then sleep.
Does anyone dig me ride? |
Tuesday: Mornings suck! My subconscious decided to conjure up the most nightmarish nightmare it could find and woke me up at 4 o'clock in el morning-0. Then, I couldn't fall back asleep, so I watched Once Upon a Time for an hour and a half, and at 5:30 I was finally able to fall back asleep, only to wake up twenty minutes later for school. My tolerance level that day was less than superb. That night, t.v. and I were best friends as I started watching Once Upon a Time...again (maybe I'm addicted to that show).
This is me trying to get up in the morning |
Wednesday: On Wed-Nes-Day :) many things happened! I kind of loved that day, because so many super fun things went down. To start the day off perfectly, I slept in! My goodness, it was like 11:00 before I even cracked open my eyes, and 1:30 before I finally dragged myself out of bed, much resembling a dead man crawling out of his grave during the hottest parts of the day in a blistering dessert without a splotch of sunscreen on. Oh, and no water. I think I looked like that, except worse. Anyway, I called up a friend, and proceeded to watch a two and a half hour movie that shook me to my core. I saw Catching Fire! I played with my nephew, Josiah. Then, like Tuesday, Once Upon a Time happened! (Sorry about the lame pictures, but all the pictures I took were on SnapChat, and I forgot to screenshot, so......)
Best show ever! |
Josiah was being a cutie-pa-tutie. |
Thursday: Happy Thanksgiving! My grandma called me to invite me to her Thanksgiving dinner (my parents were still out of town), and so my cousin picked me up and drove me to my aunt's house where the dinner was. The food was superb! One of my aun't guest was a spiritualist and she brought out this crystal bowls. She did this ritual that was supposed to center our seven chakras and release the folded energy that causes bad juju and physical pains. New Thanksgiving tradition? I think not. I can't be too harsh on it, because it wasn't that bad, in fact, I liked it. It was very cool, and something new. When I got home, I babysat Josiah while my brother and his wife went Black Friday shopping. Also, I watched Melissa and Joey!
Our chakra lady doing her thing. |
Friday: I didn't really do anything on Friday. I went on a "family trip" with my brother's family. We went to TJ Max and tried on some clothes. I looked through the shoes, and I find some very cool, amazing combat boots. I wanted them so bad but unfortunately, they were forty dollars, Afterwards, I went to kneaders and got a legendary chocolate croissant. We got home and again, I played with Josiah. I watched
Teen Wolf (the fourth season premieres soon!) that night.
Josiah smiling. |
He's up to some shenanigans. |
Saturday: James, my brother, made scones and invited me to breakfast. They were es muy delicioso! I cleaned the house a little bit, and then my friend came over at like seven. We made Puppy Chow or Muddy Buddies, Teen Wolf mysteriously appeared on my t.v. screen, and Spit (not the mouth, but the cards) came to life in my den. Finally, we watched World War Z. I know, it's kind of an old movie, but it was terrific. I just remember this one part where we freaked out so much. Throughout the movie, we said things like "Oh, don't worry, he won't die, he's Brad Pitt" or "I would love to act as a zombie in this movie" or "Yes, let us just walk right through the horde of zombies, completely invisible, because I injected myself with a disease" We could hear each other's giant gasps of breath. It was great! We watched Teen Wolf too.
Oh my goodness, it's World War Z |
Oh, Stiles! You're so cute, but you're Alizah's. |
Sunday: Well, it's sunday, and I'm not doing anything. My friend left at 8:30, and I went to church at eleven. I got home and slept for like, three hours. It really isn't that fun of a day. It's now 9:30 and I'm watching, you guessed it, Teen Wolf and eating Swedish Fish. Well, not much to say, so adios.
Selfie Sunday! |
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