Friday, April 25, 2014

This is the Story of How I Flied

As many of my friends know, I spend Spring Break in the glorious state of California.  While there, I did many extraordinary things, including and not limited to: eating, sleeping, frolicking on the beach, and flying.  Yes, you heard me correctly, flying.  You may hear more about my Spring break in another post, but as the title says, this is the story of how I flied.

My dad and I drove straight from Mesquite, Nevada (rest stop) to San Diego in a few long hours.  We arrived in the beautiful city around 3;30-ish.  We traveled to Blacks Beach-also known as Torrey Pines-and something truly phenomenal happened.  I challenged gravity to the extent where I felt sure that I wasn't going to die when I jumped off that cliff.

Now, we all know that one cannot simply fly without a little fairy test, and since that wasn't exactly available for me at the time, I got to use an amazing contraption called a para-glider.  :) :) :)  If you guys actually pay attention to the posts that I write, you'll know that I wrote a bucket list post a while back, and number two or three on that list was to go para-gliding.  Boy, was it amazing, because I totally checked off that item that I've been working on for a while.

Before I went up in the air, my dad had to go through all this legal stuff, and monies giving awaying.  :(  Anywho, after all that jazz was sorted out, I had to put on this really weird harness seat thingy, so that I could totally chill why the trained professional flew me around and over the cliffs and oceans where I was. So the guy told me to sit down, put my knees up against my chest, and he would do the rest.  So I do, and he jumps off the cliff.

Usually people are afraid of heights, and I don't understand that.  I loved looking over the ocean and just  It was an indescribable awww moment.  No butterflies about it, I just, I felt alive. Paragliding was one of the best experiences for me, and I would totally do it again!

After awhile of flying, the pilot let me fly the contraption!  It was so easy as well, like honestly, super fun as well.  Truly, that was when I felt on top of the world. Well, that was my adventure in the sky, so thank's for reading.  But before you go, I've got a few pics and a quote that I love about flying.

Photo cred; my dad. Yes that is me flying.
For once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.

-Leonardo da Vinci

This is me after I flied... :)

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